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Sunday, September 04, 2005
some fancy text

Here's some fancy text:

this is the text for < h1 > tags

this is the text for < h2 > tags

this is the text for < h3 > tags

this is the text for < h4 > tags

this is the text for < h5 > tags

this is the text for < h6 > tags

which you can add to spruce up a blog post

this is the text for < em > tags
this is the text for < b > tags
this is the text for < strong > tags, which is the same for the < b > tags

Here's text in a blockquote.

Anything can come in here, it's really up to you! sometimes, you might like to add in some lyrics, or maybe even put a picture, though really, that's not very advisable because the picture might spill out. you can always add a picture and then give it a border if that's what's important.

1:34 PM


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